Welcome to ASPAC Technics

ASPAC Technics is a Belgian EPC Contractor which specialises in Water and the Environment.

The ASPAC Technics teams of experts design and construct state-of-the-art systems worldwide. ASPAC Technics offers its specific expertise in water and wastewater to public water operators as well as to industries.

ASPAC Technics is a key international partner to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 - Good Health and Wellbeing, 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation, 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, 15 – Life on Land.

Also, ASPAC Technics assists its clients to secure ECA-covered export credits from top-rated banks to finance their investments. Click here to obtain more information

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Our Services

High quality services

ASPAC Technics constructs intelligent drinking water supply systems from raw water catchment (surface water or groundwater/boreholes) to smart metered domestic connection...More

Non-Revenue Water = Volume of water PRODUCED – volume of water BILLED

ASPAC Technics objective = Increase the volume of water billed. More

ASPAC Technics builds robust systems based on technologies perfectly adapted to the environment in question. These systems include collectors, sewer lift stations,...More